
Understanding Origins of Beauty through Antiquities














Understanding Origins of Beauty through Antiquities



Lecture: Tatsuya Kegai Wagashi: Mei Mei Ka Matcha: Yuu Watari

We invite ancient artifacts specialist Kegai Tatsuya to hold a talk session on “How to view Archaeological Artifacts” and “Collective Unconscious and the World of Beauty”. Through the panel, we seek to address the universal unconscious and timeless aesthetic consciousness, the ever-changing perspective on art and its continuity threaded through contemporary art. This evening event aims to deepen understanding of art collections that transcend genres. Please join us this evening in our reception and exhibition, where we will be serving traditional Japanese wagashi and freshly prepared matcha. This is a pre-event leading up to the auction in December.

Kegai Tatsuya is a Tokyo-based antiquities dealer specializing in ancient Eurasian and Oriental artifacts, as well as Christian art. Born in 1980, he majored in Paleoenvironmental Studies at Tohoku University before working for a classical music company. In 2014, he learned Russian and moved to Saint Petersburg, where he now splits his time with Tokyo. He travels throughout Europe and the Middle East to collect artifacts, and his exhibitions are often curated thematically to promote understanding of cultural backgrounds and artistic styles.







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